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Unread post by lincspoacher »

Thanks Admin,

Let's hope it will prove popular .. I've just been in there & the echoes were tremendous .... :wink:

Bye for now,

"Oh,'Tis my delight on a shiny night .. in the season of the year"
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Unread post by Marster666 »

Great too see

Is it possible to make something, so when we login in to the forum we also can see who is online on the chat??

I am a piercing fan, as are most of the members here. I am also the previous owner of 5 yahoo groups, 'intimpiercing 1 - 5' and my username 'marster66dk', all killed off by yahoo groups.
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Unread post by jaoiei »

Why do I have to press those sily arrows?
Why does it not send on Enter as all good chats do?
Will I see my writings next visit?
Up to now it went lost....
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Re: Chat Room for Forum members

Unread post by McFetish »

December 2007 eh ;)

So where is this chatroom in 2009 ?
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Re: Chat Room for Forum members

Unread post by admin »

nobody wanted to chat :)
we can make a new one if you want.
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