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An Owned Slave: Part One

master/Slave discussion and picture post
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An Owned Slave: Part One

Unread post by crbtoo »

An Owned Slave: Part One

I first saw the slave of my dreams on one of the BDSM dating sites and being a seriously sadistic and cruel older Dominant who lived on the other side of the country, I figured I had zero chance with her but having nothing to lose I emailed her and to my surprise she quickly responded. We exchanged emails for a while and eventually moved on to live chat and as we discovered we shared many of the same desires and needs it was decided that she would become mine.
As this was to be a long-term relationship that centered on BDSM and she had stated her needs and desires, this was to be her last decision and once she arrived, she would be mine and although I might ask her opinion on any number of things the final decisions would always be mine.
She had packed up her excess clothing and personal items that she wanted to keep and shipped them ahead so they would be here when she arrived.
Though she is much younger than I am she was an experienced masochist and slave and both of our desires are centered on extreme body modifications. Her modifications prior to her arrival were that her inner labia and clitoris hood had been removed and she wore one ring good size ring through her outer labia. Although this ring held her labia closed and protected her clit, it in no way restricted penetration.
When the day of her arrival came I had a car and driver meet her at the airport and bring her to me with a stop on the way. I had made arrangements at a local piercing and tattoo shop and when the car pulled up in front the driver told her that she was to go in and simply tell them her name and he would be waiting for her when she was done.
She did as she was told and once she was inside she told the receptionist her name and she was escorted into a room where as we had prearranged he told her that she was to receive her first new piercings, her nipples were to be done. She did as she was instructed and removed her blouse and sat down on the semi reclined table. The piercer made short work of it and soon she was on her way back out to the waiting car with four-gauge stainless steel rings tugging at her nipples. Though she managed to keep the smile from her lips, she knew this was just the first step to fulfill her desire to always have constant physical reminders of her place as an owned slave.
When she arrived at my home the driver rang the doorbell and once I opened the door he opened the car door and escorted her to me. Once her luggage was inside and the driver was tipped and sent on his way I escorted her inside and unlike her I couldn’t keep a smile from my face. Though we had exchanged photographs she was even more exceptional in person that she had been in her photos. She was truly petite, barely standing five foot tall with a lovely trim figure and a beautiful, fresh, All-American face, hardly what one would imagine when thinking of a masochistic sex slave.
Once I had closed the door she smiled and looked up at me and said “Hello Master, I am so happy to finally be here and thank you so much for my new piercings.”
I then showed her to her room. This was to be where she would dress and be her retreat when it was required, but now at the start of our relationship it would also serve as her bedroom.
For the first week she had no duties and we filled the time acclimating her to the house and area. It was also during this time when she felt comfortable enough to shed her clothes when at home. She also discovered the dungeon and on her own accord spent sometime curled up in her cage.
Soon her acclimation week was ending and over dinner we discussed how she felt and if she was comfortable enough for her new life to begin. She agreed that she was ready and anxious to move forward. That night was the first night where she was allowed in my bed. We fell asleep spooning with my left hand cupping her breast and my middle finger through her left nipple ring.
The next morning I woke up to her kneeling next to my side of the bed and a tray with breakfast on the nightstand. I finished breakfast and led her into the bathroom where she knelt before me with her mouth open and started her service as my urinal.
After we were showered and dressed I escorted her to the car and we were off to start her transformation.
We were soon at the piercing and tattooing shop where we met the piercer and tattooists. The plan was to completely cover her from her shoulders to the soles of her feet with a continuous oriental design leaving only her neck and head uncovered. As the tattooists began laying out the design starting at her shoulders and then down over her breasts, the piercer was busy down below, with her one ring removed she was to have an additional five piercings done per side to give her a total of six per side. These plus her original two were to be done as 00 gauge flesh tunnels and permanent grommets with an inside diameter of 0 gauge were installed, as was a four gauge fourchette.
It was early afternoon when we left and the design on her shoulders down to the bottom of her breasts had been outlined in black, 12 grommets had been installed in her labia, and her vaginal fourchette was done. Lost in sub space, she smiled gamely and walked like a bowlegged cowboy as I helped her out to the car.
The next day she was still swollen and although she said she was ready for more work to be done, we took the day off. I worked from home and she spent the day on her back in her cage with her legs raised to the top of the cage and secured to the sides by ankle cuffs and ice packs on her swollen shoulders, breasts and pussy.
As she healed I started the enlargement of her nipples and clit using suction, clamping, biting, and temporary piercing, all to build up scar tissue to make her nipples and clit larger and permanently erect. Once they started to show progress they would be subjected to more advanced and severe treatment.
It was at this time when the expansion of her ass was started. An inflatable butt plug was inserted and kept in place fulltime this plug was to be removed only twice daily, so she could have a bowel movement and be flushed clean by enemas. Once she grows comfortable being plugged all the time she will be trained so she can expand and contract as needed to accept huge items comfortably and then be able to tighten back to normal. As you’ll discover shortly, there is much more to be done to her ass.
She is a quick healer and with the help of zinc supplements we were back at the tattoo shop within a week. This time one artist continued the design down over her rib cage while the other wrapped the design over her shoulders and down her back as she sat there. Once again her ability to withstand the pain was amazing, when the artists finished for the day the design now extended down to the top of her pubes and the small of her back. They had wrapped the design around her sides so her upper body had the outline finished. Soon she would begin to be colored in.
Four days later I received a call from the tattoo shop, the branding iron for her ownership marks had arrived. This was ahead of schedule and as a surprise for her we went down that evening and the first strike for her brands were done. The brand was to be of my initials in a triangle, and was two inches high and two inches wide.
To achieve the depth of the brands we knew we wanted, she would have the brandings done, allowed to heal and then restruck and this would be the first of at least three branding sessions. The brands were to be placed at the top of her anal cleft where her lovely butt cheeks met, on the underside of her left breast, and high on the outside of her right labia.
She held on to my hands as each brand was struck. The first was the underside of her left breast, the second her right labia, and last but not least the one at the top of her anal cleft. Each time the branding iron was pressed into her flesh, her grip on my hands tightened and she literally vibrated as she absorbed the pain. The first two went well as the branding iron seared her breast and labia. These fleshy areas absorbed the heat from the branding iron well. The one on her cleft is located directly over her lower spine and with there being only a relatively thin layer of flesh it was the hardest for her to take and try as she might the pain was to much for her to take and her fingernails dug deeply into the backs of my hands as she shook and for the first time she screamed to help release the pain. With the smell of charred flesh still lingering in the air the iron was removed from her flesh. She finally released her grip on my hands as I brought my face down to hers and whispered in her ear how proud I was of her and gave her a gentle kiss on the back of her head and stroked her hair until she gathered herself together and as soon as she recovered the piercer covered the fresh brands and we drove home for another week of recovery.
Within days the black charring on all three sites had given away to new smooth pink flesh. It was during this time that I introduced the padlocks to the grommets in her labia. Six medium sized padlocks now hung from the grommets and swung freely between her thighs as she walked and she was pleased with the feeling as they swung and pulled on her labia. I have to admit that it was rather humorous watching her swing her hips, jump up and down, and squat as she experimented with the feelings she could cause as she moved. As she examined herself in the full-length mirror you could see the satisfaction on her face as once again she had another modification that would serve her as a constant reminder of her position as my slave for life.
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Re: An Owned Slave: Part One

Unread post by crbtoo »

I guess I should have asked, should I continue to post more of this story?
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Re: An Owned Slave: Part One

Unread post by dasubuibi »

please do post more.
would love to see a trend of modification stories
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Re: An Owned Slave: Part One

Unread post by eisen3 »

please more :wink:
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Re: An Owned Slave: Part One

Unread post by crbtoo »

Here is Part two.
Let me know if you want the tale to continue...

An Owned Slave: Part Two

I woke to the sight of my slave kneeling quietly next to my bed waiting for me to wake up so we could begin our morning rituals. She has become my urinal and she drinks my hot piss like it was lemonade on a hot day, she then shaves my face, prepares our shower, and then makes breakfast. It was during breakfast then I told her we would be having guests today and to prepare for them I would be hooding her the first time and she would be hung spread eagle by her wrists and her legs would be spread and shackled to the floor. I had her open her mouth and inserted a large ball gag that fitted behind her teeth and was strapped in place. I then began to fit the tight latex hood over her head smoothing it as I went. The only holes in the mask were aligned over her nostrils so she could breath, and when I was happy with the fit of the hood I started pulling the laces on the back of the hood tightly until the edges of the opening overlapped and her head was encased in tight unforgiving black rubber. I then tapped her on the chin so she’d raise her head and I for the first time wrapped a tall stiff leather posture collar around her neck. Again from behind her I pulled the collar’s strap as tight as it would go and fastened the buckle and locked it in place with a padlock.
I walked my blind and hesitant slave into the dungeon and moved her into place. I tapped the inside of her ankles and she immediately spread her legs and I put leather cuffs on each of her ankles and then attached them to eyelets set in the floor. Her legs were now spread far enough apart that she was unsteady on her feet so I took her wrists, locked cuffs around them and attached them to a spreader bar that was attached to an electric hoist that hung over her head. As soon as her wrists were attached, I started the hoist until she was stretched out fully, taunt and open. I then removed the padlocks from her grommets, as she was to be wide open and accessible for what was coming.
As I was admiring her, the doorbell rang and I went and let our guests in.
After prior consultation with the tattooist and piercer we had reach the conclusion that the best way to continue her work was to have her hung spread eagle so her entire body was open and accessible to them. I greeted the tattooists and piercer and took them to the dungeon where I had left her hanging and they immediately set up their equipment and started to work.
One tattooist went to work on her lower abdomen continuing to outline her design; a second was doing the same extending the design down over her bottom. This was to cover her completely including between her butt cheeks and her anus in back and over her labia and even extending into her pussy in front. The third tattooist started high on her shoulders and began to color in her design on her upper back.
The piercer had her kit out and was preparing my slave’s nipples. The first step was to enlarge the size of the rings that had already been done, she would be taken from four-gauge to 0 gauge holes. Once that was done she prepared her for her second set of nipple piercings. These were to be very deep at the back of her areolas where they joined her breast and would be the home to a pair of vertically placed 0 gauge barbells.
Today was going to be a long hard day for my dear slave!
By lunch time she had her upper back colored in to her shoulder blades, her new piercings were fixed in place and her outline on her back was covering the outside of her bottom and on her front the outline now covered the whole of her stomach and the top of her pubes.
I took the tension off of her arms and opened her collar, hood, and gag. Unfortunately she was in no position to sit and join us for lunch so she was feed a light meal, replenished her fluids and left hanging in the dungeon while our guests and I retreated to the back porch next to the pool. Once we were all well fed I excused myself and went back to the dungeon to check on her. As I suspected, she needed to pee so reduce the mess, I inserted a catheter to relieve her bladder into a bedpan. When she was empty I removed the catheter, patted her dry and had our guests return and continue their work.
They worked into the early evening and when they were ready to call it a day her outline was completed down to mid thigh both on her front and back, and her back had been colored in down to the bottom of her ribs and wrapped around her sides to the outer edges of her breasts.
As I examined their work they explained that they had given her brands wide birth because they couldn’t yet tell how much the marking would spread as the brands were repeatedly redone but not to worry as they had planned the design so it could be brought up to the edge of the brands once the brands were finished. Once they had finished covering her fresh tattoos, I thanked them and showed them out. My slave was left hanging spread eagle, soaring in sub space as she enjoyed her endorphin high. Soon enough I would take her down and the pain would set in as the healing began.
Within a week she was feeling better as she began to show that her healing was going well and she was spending quite a bit of time in front of the full length mirror admiring the changes she had gone through.
Up to now she hadn’t commented much on her tattooed outlines but now I could see that she was pleased with her shoulders and back being colored in and even told me that she wanted to push the limit of how much work she could withstand in one session to speed her completion. Her new vertical piercing also had caught her fancy; She was continually playing with and pulling on them. The sheer size of the 0 gauge barbells had pushed her nipples out and the effect when partnered with our continuing efforts to stretch and enlarge her nipples was wonderful as her nipples now stood out straight from her pert breasts and both her vertical and horizontal piercings stood out proudly.
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Re: An Owned Slave: Part One

Unread post by metalandmeat »

Nice writing, please don't stop :D
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An Owned Slave: Part Three

Unread post by crbtoo »

An Owned Slave: Part Three

Soon it was time to restart her work and this session was to be devoted to pushing forward with her tattooing. Like the last session she was to be bound and suspended eagle spread with her arms above her. The artists started her outlining where they had left off and by lunchtime the outlines now covered he ass and both legs front and back, down to her knees. Her pubes were completely covered and with much effort and wiping to keep her dry, now extended on the insides of her labia almost two inches inside of her. The only part of her pussy left uncovered at this time was her clitoris. The reason for this was that it was still being stretched and enlarged. It had been decided that for the sake of the continuity of the design, we would wait until it had reached the dimensions we wanted before covering her clit.
Once we shared lunch with our guests and relaxed a bit, I put her back into her bonds and the work continued. The afternoon was devoted to coloring in the outline on her chest and stomach down to the top of her pubes. By time the artists were ready to call it a day she had been worked on for just over eight hours and her torso from her shoulders down to the top of her pubes and butt had been colored in and wrapped completely around her body. She now about fifty percent of her body covered and though she was spent from the effort she swore she was ready for more. But that would have to wait for now.
The next session for my slave was a light but painful one, the artists brought the outlining on her legs down from her knees and continued onto her feet. When they had finished all that had to be done to complete the outlines were the soles of her feet and between her toes, and that my friends had to wait for another session.
That afternoon her session continued and when they had finished her arms. The outline now joined up with her shoulders and continued down to her wrists. Her hands were to be completely covered and like the soles of her feet would wait for another time.
The piercer also stopped by that afternoon to check all of latest piercings and her brands. The regiment of vitamins and mega dosing of zinc supplements was working and like her with her tattoos she was healing at an incredible rate and announced that she was ready to have her brands re-struck.
Since there is no time like the present the piercer retrieved her equipment and once my slave was in position her three brands were re-struck. Again my slave’s capacity for pain was incredible. Each time the white-hot branding iron was pressed into her flesh directly over the existing marks, her only reaction was a low moan, and the stream tears that escaped from her eyes that she had pressed shut. Once her new outlined arms and legs and her brands were cleaned and covered our artists excuse themselves and we were left alone and I held my slave and told her how pleased I was with her and how she was withstanding her work sessions, how beautiful both she and her new design were, and that very soon her tattooing was going to be done and once it was and she was healed “The Ring” would as she had requested would be done and our life as Master and slave would be ready to move past the modification stage would be ready to begin.
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Re: An Owned Slave: Part One

Unread post by McFetish »

Pics or it didn't happen ;)

But seriously, awesome story. Actually comes very close to one of my dark fantasies.
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An Owned Slave: Part Four

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An Owned Slave: Part Four

Time moved quickly and it was soon that my slave was healed and anxious to have more work done. This was to be the last session for the outlining of her hands and feet or as she put it “The beginning of the end”. I know she was enjoying her transformation but I also knew how anxious she was to be finished with her tattooing and move forward with life.
This session was the perfect time to introduce her to the exam table that so far has sat unused in the dungeon.
Our tattoo artists arrived and as we sat outside on the screened in porch enjoying the day it was suggested that if it were possible it would be nice to be able to finish the outlining outside. Since the exam table was on wheels it was rolled out to the porch and in no time flat my slave was on her back on the table with her calves strapped into the supports at the end of the table leaving her spread widely and her feet totally open and ready to be tattooed. A second set of supports were attached to the table just below her shoulders and with a few adjustments her forearms were strapped in place leaving her hands open and accessible.
Let the final outlining begin! Though it wasn’t a race between them, the tatooists made quick work on the tops of her hands and feet. It was until they started on the soles of her feet that my slave began to show any discomfort. From the volume of her moaning as well as her facial expressions and tears this was the most sensitive part of the whole procedure so far. Her twitching feet as she tried to escape the sting of the needles also seemed to drag it out more than you would expect. Every time her feet jerked away she would apologize to the tatooists, get settled back down and they would continue. Finally the tatooists finished her feet and with a short break for everyone, they moved on to her hands. Compared to the time and effort it took to do her feet the outlining of her hands was a breeze. The only hard part was her keeping her fingers spread open so they had access so she would be totally covered.
Finally they were done! She was now completely outlined and her upper torso and back had been colored in and my poor baby’s hands and feet were so swollen that she couldn’t fully close her hands and there was no way that she could have stood and put pressure on her feet much less walk. The decision was made that she should remain strapped to the exam table and once they had covered the fresh tattoos we wheeled the exam table and her back into the house.
I can tell you from experience that if you want to own a slave, you want one that’s healthy and fully functioning! Those fantasy stories about having slaves that are rendered non-functioning by removing body parts or sealing them in some sort of situation where they are helpless are best left just that, fantasies! I waited on her hand and foot (no pun intended). I took care of all of her needs for the next week. From feeding her meals and scratching where she itched, to wiping her butt after her bowel movements. The only saving grace was that I catherized her so she just peed into a collection bag which saved me an untold number of trips to place and empty a bedpan.
Soon enough though she was back on her feet (again, no pun intended). Though she was still walking gingerly, she was healing well and soon our life was back to normal. Normal? I still shake my head over just how normal our life is, I own a totally modified, exotic, sex slave yet 99 percent of our lives are as normal as the rest of the world. We’re really no different than any other couple that indulges in some sort of “Slap and Tickle” to spice up their love life. Our fetish is just more visible than most.
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Re: An Owned Slave: Part One

Unread post by Frameset »

I wanted to go to bed, when I discovered your post.

Hours later (LOL) I read all four parts.

Well done, good story!
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Re: An Owned Slave: Part One

Unread post by crbtoo »

Thanks Frameset, Part Five is coming tonight.
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An Owned Slave: Part Five

Unread post by crbtoo »

An Owned Slave: Part Five

Today we woke up early as it was scheduled to be a big day. Our tattooist had scheduled four extra artists and the coloring process was to begin in earnest. Once we had her strapped down on the exam table, two started on her lower legs, two worked on her arms and he scooted up between her legs and started coloring her lower stomach and sides so the coloring met up with the design already colored in wrapping around from her back. By lunch they had finished her upper arms from her shoulders to her elbows, her lower legs from the tops of her feet to knees, and the stomach tattooing was finished down onto her pubic mound.
After lunch and a short rest they all began to work again. The two continued her forearms and the two were now filling in the outside of her thighs from her knees to her hips to join the color on her stomach. The last tattooist started on the inside of her thighs from her knees to her crotch. By time they were ready to call it a day her arms were finished from her shoulders down to her wrists and the back of her hands were also completely filled in. Her legs were done from her ankles to her hips on the outside and from her knees to about six inches from her crotch on the inside.
This left her bottom, pussy, the palms of her hands, and her feet left to be done. Though it wasn’t as bad as after her last session, I was left to play nursemaid for her during her recovery. The change was unbelievable; as she was in good spirit as she healed the colors remained vibrant and though she was in some discomfort the healing went fast and she loved to spend time in front of the mirrors admiring herself. Soon it was time for the next session. This was a solo session with just the main artist involved. This time she was bound flat on the exam table with her arms bound flat beside her body with her palms facing up. First he worked on the palms of her hands and in short order they were completed. After he wrapped her hands we had lunch. My poor baby couldn’t use her hands so I fed her bites of lunch.
Soon all of us were rested and our hunger slated. It was time to strap her back to the exam table. Again she was bound face down and her legs were separated and strapped down tightly, it was time for the soles of her feet to be finished. Even with her legs tightly bound it seemed that every time the needles touched her feet she pulled them away. Even though it was an involuntary movement it was a slow, painful process for all involved. I was drafted to attempt to hold her foot still as he applied the colors and by time he was done we had worked late into the night. He finished by wrapping her feet and we rolled the table and her into my bedroom. Once he was gone I unstrapped her from the table and gently laid her in my bed. It was a tender moment for the two of us as I was proud of how well she handled the pain of having the doles of her feet needled continuously six hours. And once again it was the start of over a week of my playing nursemaid for my slave. When I look back on the process I wonder which of us suffered more for this part of her art?
Since she was already laid up while her feet were healing I decided to have the tattooist cover her pussy. This was tricky as the design actually covered the inside of her labia and the only spot of her pussy left uncolored was her clitoris. Though she was strapped down for this process she swore that it was much less painful than the soles of her tender feet!
Again the change was dramatic as her new body was done and the only part of her left uncolored was her bottom.
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Re: An Owned Slave: Part One

Unread post by benda555 »

Great story, please continue


Sam :D
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Re: An Owned Slave: Part One

Unread post by jonirings »

crbtoo wrote:I guess I should have asked, should I continue to post more of this story?
Yes, definitely. I too am interested in a modification series.
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Re: An Owned Slave: Part One

Unread post by crbtoo »

An Owned Slave: Part Six

The beginning of the end was here as far as my slaves tattooing was concerned. It was time to finish her bottom. We had made the decision to wait to color in her bottom as it was going to be most difficult of the healing process since she wouldn’t be able to sit comfortably until it was healed and her ability to go to the bathroom would be compromised. Because of this we had also decided to start her on a liquid diet days before and as test for her future use, I installed a nasal gastric tube in her right nostril. Though I had received proper training from a medical professional this was a first for the two of us without supervision. I lubricated the tube and as she swallowed I started the tube up her nostril. Though she gagged a little she quickly regained her composure and the tube slid quickly down into her stomach and once I was sure of the length and placement I taped the tube in place on her nose.
Next it was time to catherized her. This was a process both of us had experienced before and it went smoothly and soon I had inflated the internal balloon to hold the catheter in place and we were ready for the tatooists arrival.
While we waited she stood in front of the full-length mirror admiring herself from every possible angle. As she tried to talk and the best she could manage was a hoarse rasp, I had warned her that the NG tube would affect her ability to speak but like most things she had to discover the effect for herself. I told her to stop, as all she was going to do as she continued to talk was give herself a raw throat and make the NG tube uncomfortable. Finally she stopped talking but before she did she asked about the possibility of attaching her catheter to the NG tube. I told her it was possible and done by those who practiced total latex encasement and piss play. As I explained it I could see from the smile on her lips that she was already thinking about trying it another time.
When the tatooists arrived they started setting up their equipment and soon enough they had her take her place on the gyro exam table. She was positioned on her knees with her arms and head down on the table. This put her bottom up in the air in the perfect position for them to begin to work on her bottom.
Since they had an open canvas her smooth cheeks soon were completely covered with the over all design. After a quick break for lunch for everyone except for my slave who remained on the exam table, they returned and continued the design down between the cheeks of her bottom and right onto the edge of her anus.
It was done; my dream was completely covered from her shoulders to the soles of her feet! One continuous design flowed over her body, her only bare flesh was her neck and head and the small areas around her three ownership brands.
Before the tatooists cleaned and covered their work I lifted her off of the table so she could examine her final tattoos in the mirror. As she was turning left and right in front of the mirror she suddenly threw her arms around me in a hug and kissed me before whispering how grateful she was for allowing her to fulfill her desires and couldn’t wait for the rest to be done.
I returned her hug and lead her back to the table that would be her home for the next few days as her bottom healed.
Once she was strapped down on the table the tatooists finished their work and left and we were left alone and back to our “normal” life.
That night I fed her, her first liquid meal by a large syringe. To my surprise she didn’t even mention that she missed tasting the food and once I attached her catheter to the collection bag I rolled the table and her into my bedroom where we watched a little TV until it was time to sleep.
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